Upcoming Performances
February 10 at 4:00, Chas Helge Cello Recital at Christ Episcopal Church in Charlevoix
February 17 at 3:00, Traverse Symphony at Corson Auditorium
March 3 at 4:00, The Cummings Quartet performing at the Charlevoix Circle of Arts
March 7 at 4:00, The Cummings Quartet performing on the Cordia Series in Traverse City
March 17 at 3:00, Traverse Symphony at Corson Auditorium
March 18 at 6:00, The Cummings Quartet performing at Pellston High School
March 24 at 4:00, The Cummings Quartet performing on the Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra Sunday Recital Series at First Presbyterian Church of Boyne City
April 14 at 3:00, Traverse Symphony at Corson Auditorium
April 28 at 7:00, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra at Great Lakes Center for the Arts in Bay Harbor
May 11 at 6:00, The Cummings Quartet and the Dorothy Gerber Strings Program at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts in Bay Harbor
July 11, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra at Great Lakes Center for the Arts
July 29-August 3, Baroque on Beaver Island
March 2, The Cummings Quartet performing at the Beaver Island Community Center, on the "Fantastic Fridays" Series at the Charlevoix Montessori School for the Arts and on the MasterWorks Series at the Charlevoix Circle of Arts
March 18 at 3:00, Traverse Symphony at Corson Auditorium
April 5 at 4:00, The Cummings Quartet performing on the Cordia Concert Series in Traverse City
April 7 at 4:00, The Cummings Quartet performing with Pianist Dorothy Vogel at the Charlevoix Circle of Arts
April 10 at 12:15, The Cummings Quartet performing on the Music at Mid-day Series in Grand Rapids
April 15 at 4:00, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra at the Methodist Church in Petoskey
April 22 at 3:00, Traverse Symphony at Corson Auditorium
May 6 at 4:00, The Cummings Quartet performing on the Sunday Recital Series of the Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra
June 2, Traverse Symphony
June 10, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra
July 30-August 4, Concerts by Baroque on Beaver Island
August 25, Soloist with the Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra
September 8, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra
September 15, Traverse Symphony Orchestra
October 14, Traverse Symphony Orchestra
October 21, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra at Petoskey Middle School
October 28, The Cummings Quartet with Chas Helge (cello) at the Charlevoix Circle of Arts
November 18, Traverse Symphony Orchestra
December 1, The Cummings Quartet with students of the Dorothy Gerber Strings Program at the Charlevoix Circle of Arts
December 15-16, Traverse Symphony Orchestra
December 20-21, Great Lakes Chamber Orchestra